Complete consulting services for the creation of corporate networks


Sensible Data offre servizi completi di consulenza qualificata per la progettazione e la realizzazione di sistemi informativi aziendali[...]
Sensible Data offers a full range of expert consultancy services for the design and implementation of IT systems for businesses. Our company provides qualified support and assistance to help customers troubleshoot and escalate, even when hardware suppliers and third-party software are involved.
Company networks are more and more complex, and there is a growing need for a more effective and secure service that is capable of offering a simpler, faster and more centralised network management. Our expertise in network design and implementation means we can provide customised solutions based on each business's specific needs.
Sensible Data offers network support and management that can include a 24/7 service.

Sensible Data, grazie ad un’esperienza multidisciplinare sviluppata negli anni e focalizzata sui processi informatici e tecnologici, è in grado fornire soluzioni per la corretta integrazione dei sistemi [...]
Thanks to a multidisciplinary, long-standing expertise that is focussed on IT processes, Sensible Data can offer solutions for an optimal systems integration.
There is a specific set of competences needed to be able to provide the best possible consultancy services in our sector. Such competences range from a profound knowledge of relevant norms and regulations to risk analysis and the effects that an "integrated" system might have on security.

Sensible Data mette in sicurezza i sistemi informativi analizzando tutte le sue componenti e istallando e configurando i principali prodotti [...]
Sensible Data keeps your IT systems secure by analysing all their components and installing and configuring the main Unix, Linux and Microsoft, Internet services (web, mail, DNS and more), systems integration, clustering, troubleshooting and so on.
ASSET Management
The devices needed to carry out daily operations, such as PC, laptop, mobile and business system devices, have to act as useful support for users rather than turning into a financial and operational obstacle. Sensible Data fulfils such requirements by offering its customers a modular service that can be adapted to their needs and can guarantee the correct device functionalities and the subsequent increase in productivity.
Technical and practical help desk support
Our help desk service, available during working hours, offers customers support for all the technical and practical issues they might come across on a daily basis. A tracking system constantly monitors the customers' requests for intervention and it evaluates service level compliance.

Sensible Data, attraverso l’analisi della Compliance aziendale al GDPR e la specializzazione nella configurazione di firewall e sistemi di Intrusion Prevention [...]
Following a thorough analysis of corporate compliance and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and thanks to our experience in firewall configuration and intrusion prevention Systems, Sensible Data offers the installation, support or implementation of the most up-to-date and reliable security management systems.
The never-ending evolution of hacking techniques and the adoption of GDPR, the new European regulation in terms of privacy and personal data, mean that software, hardware and specific data protection and IT systems techniques need to be constantly monitored.
Sensible Data is WatchGuard certified.

Sensible Data è in grado di gestire servizi avanzati di posta elettronica affidabili e sicuri [...]
Sensible Data can manage advanced e-mail systems which are secure and reliable. The e-mail service is available both on premises or as an outsourced service, depending on the customer's needs and policies. Sensible Data designs and implements e-mail migration from or to cloud systems by centralising different types of storage. Thanks to tools like MailStore, Sensible Data also offers local or cloud-based storage systems for large numbers of e-mails, providing users with access to archives, regardless of their size.
Clients do not need to worry about creating and managing new users, nor about storage, system update, anti-spam filters, transaction security, multi-level protection against viruses, because they have the opportunity to access the system anywhere, anytime.

Affida a Sensible Data il tuo business! [...]
Put your business in our hands!
Nowadays, businesses have no other choice but focussing on their core activities and outsourcing anything that is not "core" as much as possible.

l’archiviazione dei dati è essenziale per evitare catastrofi da perdite di dati. [...]
Remote backups
Data storage is undoubtedly essential in order to avoid major problems and data loss. Yet a recent Backblaze survey has found that almost one in three PCs does not run any backups. The survey concluded that a mere 7% of users store their data on a daily basis. The fact that such a low percentage of users protect their important data is disarming. This brings back to mind the American saying, which very aptly adapts to data loss, too: “once it’s gone, it’s gone!” The old-time strategy was that of backing up data on external drives, ranging from old-fashioned backup tapes to external hard drives. An increasingly popular solution is using remote/online backup services that save data on a memory unit/server in the cloud. Remote backup does not need any additional hardware and, once it has been set up, the system will automatically back up data when the PC is idle. When backing data up online, important information is transferred over the Internet and securely saved on a server in a certified professional data center. The advantage of saving important data off-site, far from home or from the office, is that they are safe from theft, fire and other such local 'disasters'. This is definitely the must-have element that can guarantee business continuity and disaster recovery.
Server consolidation
Server consolidation translates into a more efficient use of resources by lowering the number of the total number of servers a business needs. Server consolidation is trying to avoid server proliferation. This happens when many underused servers occupy space and end up using a lot of resources whilst only managing a workload that often equals 15-20% of their capacity. This is a waste of energy and resources that can no longer be sustainable in the current financial situation. Businesses are increasingly recurring to server consolidation as one of the ways of reduce avoidable costs and maximise data center ROI. The fact that more virtual instances are found on a single and suitable server has several benefits. Although consolidation is capable of considerably increase the efficient use of the server resources, it can also translate into complex data, application and server setups that can potentially confuse the average user. This is why server consolidation should never be improvised, but should follow a consolidated plan that is the result of years of experience and problem-solving skills provided by Sensible Data.
Private cloud
Cloud technologies with built-in data security that is part of the infrastructure. The private cloud model is closer to the more traditional single LAN model widely used by businesses, with virtualisation as an added advantage. The technical strategies used to offer all the services that can be classed as 'private cloud services' can vary considerably. This is why defining a private cloud from a technical point of view is not always straightforward. Private clouds are characterised by the exclusive use by a single organisation and they have higher network security levels compared to a public cloud.

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    Our products

    We carefully selected the best products in order to offer a very secure and efficient service.

    To whom we address

    Development and implementation of IT and telecommunication technologies that guarantee safety and business continuity

    Corporate and Big Business

    Small business and small offices need a secure, efficient and reliable IT infrastructure, too.

    Offices and Small Business